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Why Study Abroad with GIDE?

Top Global Study Destinations:

Milestone Journey: Study Abroad with GIDE


Begin with GPaths: Students take the GPaths Futuristic Career Assessment Test to understand strengths, interests, and career goals, guiding academic paths.


Profile Building with GIDE Student Club: Access certificate workshops, internships, and leadership roles to enhance profiles for admits and scholarships.


Test Preparation with GIDE Prep: Enroll for personalized SAT, ACT, APs and IELTS preparation to maximize scores for admission and scholarships.


University Research:  Explore worldwide universities based on preferences like location, majors, and scholarships to shortlist top choices.
Get application assistance: to craft personal statements, essays, and complete forms.


Virtual Campus Tours: Explore campuses and attend informational sessions through GIDE platform for informed decisions and Interact with university representatives, ask questions, and participate in online engagements to enhance visibility.


Scholarship Opportunities and Application Assistance: Get information on scholarships and receive guidance on application requirements and how to craft personal statements, essays, and complete forms.


University Offers: With GIDE's support, celebrate offer letters from dream universities.

Transition Assistance:Prepare for university life with continued GIDE support.


Career Guidance: Access career guidance: Alumni can access career counseling and networking opportunities for professional growth even after starting their academic journey abroad.